Leadership is a journey. It is a journey of learning and change. No truly great leader arrived at the destination on day one.
Hello, my name is Pat Sheehan and I am your learning leader. I was recognised as a leader at nineteen. I knew I was a leader not just because of my position but I had a certificate signed by the Governor General of Australia stating that I was a leader. It was my commission as an officer in the Australian Army. But although I had an official recognition as a leader, at nineteen I was a rubbish leader! Why, because I had all the theory, but I lacked the humanity and the understanding that great leaders are humble, empathic, collaborative, and kind. They are not autocratic, domineering, and selfish. It was this realisation that started me on my journey to understand leadership and to improve my skills.
All leaders are flawed. All leaders are human. Great leaders embrace their humanity, make themselves vulnerable and open, to build trust and belonging. Great leaders validate others. Great leaders know when to stand alone and when to blend in. You are here today because you are a formal, appointed leader or you are a technical, informal leader.
The purpose of this module is to introduce to the Enterprise Leaders’ Program.
The Program is designed to inform and prepare leaders to utilise Enterprise Leadership and the High Performance Model to effectively lead people into high performance.
In this module, the following topics will be covered:
• The Enterprise Leaders’ Program
• What is high-performance
• Components of the Enterprise Leaders’ Program
• What will be expected of you in the Program
Enterprise Leaders’ Program
NSC Group’s Enterprise Leaders’ Program is the leaders’ learning component of our High-Performance transformation system.
The High Performance System is based on substantial research which identifies a chain of correlated behaviours and actions which when implemented in a disciplined manner will progressively produce higher organisational performance.
1 Subject
5 Exercises • 113 Learning Materials
3 Courses • 11 Students
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